Unlocking The Superpowers of Our Latin Kitchen

Everywhere we turn—whether it's influencers, doctors, family, or friends—there always seems to be someone recommending what to eat, what not to eat, or promoting the latest fad diet. These trends, which often encourage restriction and shunning our favorite comfort foods, can feel overwhelming and might even distance us from our cultural roots. So, what's our stance at Cora Health? We advocate for the anti-diet approach. Our mission is to challenge these stigmas, celebrate Latin culture, and promote health simultaneously. Embracing the potent benefits in our traditional ingredients and finding a balanced approach is crucial to understanding what truly nourishes our bodies. No más food guilt.

Shifting the Narrative

A healthy place to start is taking time to learn and connect back to our latin culture. Our bodies deserve a healthy relationship with our food as well. Healing means we change the sentence from “no puedo comer esto”, to “sí puedo comerlo y entiendo como impacta mi cuerpo.” Having nutritional education on our cultural meals is key to appreciating the nutrients and super powers behind them. Here at Cora Health we have nutritionists who get it. They understand the deep connection between our culture, food and not having to force us to fad diets. 

Nutrients Beyond Calories

Who else gets the "Si te comas eso te vas engordar más" line from family? 🙋‍♀️ And if we pass? Suddenly, I am being disrespectful. Then when attempting to eat healthier you're being told that our traditional food is too carb-heavy or fried. Here's the thing; we shouldn't be obsessing over calories. Calories are energy. 💥 I challenge us to rewrite the negativity out and appreciate what our foods provide us. Yes let’s appreciate the calories, and most importantly, let’s embrace the benefits of the nutrients! ❤️🍛🥘

Reclaiming Our Food’s Superpowers! 

Arroz con frijoles, gallo pinto, arroz y habichuelas. You know the trend that rice and beans are bad? Well it's not all true.  Our dishes are not just delicious, they are also nutritious. So why cut them? In my own past experience, I couldn’t even follow the very diet I was telling my patients to do. Internally, I found it insane to tell my patients they could only eat 1,000 calories a day and send them home with a packet of all food that they can’t eat, and just a small list of what they can. That’s all in the past.

At Cora, we understand that what our cultural foods brings to the table is nutrition and we don't have to feel guilty for adding it to our plate. Relearning this myself has been an empowering and fun journey. It takes a minute, but the more you learn, the more you will trust that most ingredients common in our kitchens are foods you should continue having.

As always, balance and moderation is key, but you can say goodbye to absolute restrictions. Time to welcome the benefits of our food superpowers. Buen Provecho 🍛

Avocado: The Creamy Green Wonder 🥑

  • Avocado is an excellent source of monounsaturated fats which help reduce bad cholesterol levels, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease. They also offer a substantial amount of potassium which can help control blood pressure.

  • Packed with fiber, vitamins E, C, B6, and folate.

  • Whip up traditional guacamole with tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and lime juice. Perfect on toast or with chips!

Frijoles: Nature's Protein Gems 🌰

  • Beans can help lower cholesterol due to their fiber content. They are also a heart-healthy choice, rich in iron and protein, supporting muscle health.

  • Loaded with protein, fiber, magnesium, and iron.

  • A comforting bowl of frijoles negros soup or a mixed bean salad with corn, tomatoes, and a tangy vinaigrette is always a hit!

Cacao: The Ancient Mayan Treat 🍫

  • Raw cacao promotes cardiovascular health due to its anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants. It can also boost mood and support mental well-being.

  • Abundant in magnesium, iron, flavonoids, and antioxidants.

  • How about crafting a traditional chocolate caliente? Melt cacao with a dash of cinnamon and vanilla for a comforting beverage.

Chia Seeds: Tiny Powerhouses 🖤

  • Stabilizes blood sugar, promotes digestion, and supports heart health.

  • Rich in fiber, protein, calcium, antioxidants, and omega-3s

  • Stir chia seeds into your morning * batido or make a refreshing chia fresca by soaking them in water, then adding a splash of lime and a touch of honey.

Mango: The King of Fruits 🥭

  • Mango is beyond good for you on several fronts:

    • Eye Health: The Vitamin A in mangoes plays a crucial role in vision and eye health.

    • Skin Repair: Vitamins C and E contribute to skin repair and rejuvenation.

    • Immune Support: Mango's rich Vitamin C content aids in fortifying the immune system.

  • Bursting with Vitamins A, C, and E, also contains dietary fiber and antioxidants.

  • Mango salsa is a crowd-pleaser. Dice ripe mangoes and mix with onions, cilantro, lime juice, and salt. Enjoy with tortilla chips or over grilled meat.

  • If you have diabetes, make sure to check with your doctor to control for portions and ensure it doesn’t spike your blood sugar.

Guava: The Tropical Treasure 🍈

  • One of many powers:

    • Immunity Booster: The rich content of Vitamin C in guavas can strengthen the immune system, making our bodies more resistant to infections.

    • Skin Health: Guava's antioxidants combat free radicals, helping to protect our skin from damage and promote a youthful appearance.

    • Digestive Aid: The dietary fiber present in guava aids in digestion and prevents constipation.

  • Packed with Vitamin C, more than even many citrus fruits, also contains dietary fiber, Vitamin A, and potassium.

  • A tangy treat awaits with pasta de guayaba paired with queso blanco. The combination of the sweet paste with the saltiness of the cheese is absolutely delightful.

Guanábana (Soursop): Wonder in the Flesh 🤍

  • Not everyone loves the texture, but if you dare to try it you may fall in love with its benefits:

    • Anti-inflammatory: Helps combat inflammation which can lead to chronic diseases.

    • Energy Booster: Vitamin B content aids in energy production, making you feel revitalized.

    • Immunity Enhancer: Vitamin C found in guanábana can contribute to a healthy immune function.

  • Rich in Vitamins B and C, also contains antioxidants, potassium, and dietary fiber.

  • Quench your thirst with a guanábana smoothie. Blend the pulp with milk, a touch of honey, and ice for a refreshing treat.

Agua Fresca: The Quenching Elixir 🍹

  • Depending on its ingredients, agua fresca can be a hydrating and nutritious drink. For instance, watermelon is hydrating, and cucumber can help with skin health.

  • Varies based on ingredients but generally rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

  • Blend together some strawberries, lime juice, and a hint of mint, then strain and mix with cold water and a touch of agave for a refreshing agua fresca.

  • Remember the fruits’ natural sugars are okay for most people, however added sugar in excess can be a lot for your body to handle.

Stress and Food

While we are in the process of redefining our relationship with our foods, keep in mind the importance of monitoring and trying to reduce stress. Believe it or not, stress can be our biggest enemy in this journey.

Stress causes cortisol levels to rise. That means that when your stress hormone sky rockets it causes your appetite to be stimulated and triggering you to binge eat. It also encourages your body to store fat especially in the belly area. In addition to that, it slows down your metabolism and impacts your sleep.

And managing stress can be very difficult when one is trying to make improvements to their eating habits. Luckily, what helps is actually to relieve yourself of the stress of these restrictive diets. I know it made me feel so overwhelmed and like a failure when I couldn’t stick to meal planning or a Keto diet. All it really did was stress me out and made all things worse.

Here is an example of how it stress and guilt behind our food choices can make those choices more harmful than beneficial. Think about eating a bowl of white rice. It's just a basic food that gives us energy. But if eating it makes us feel guilty and stressed, thinking "this is bad for me," those worried feelings can actually be worse for our health than the rice itself. It’s important to release the guilt and enjoy the nutritional benefits our foods provide us. We can do this by learning about their superpowers together and focusing on their benefits. ❤️


  • Why have rice and beans gotten a bad reputation in some diets?

    •  Many modern diets focus on low-carb or low-calorie intake, and since rice and beans can be carb-rich, they're sometimes painted in a negative light. However, when consumed as part of a balanced diet, they provide a wealth of nutrients and are a staple in many healthy cuisines worldwide.

  • How can I make traditional dishes healthier without compromising on taste?

    •  Consider simple modifications like using less oil or adding more veggies. Spices and herbs can also enhance flavor without adding extra calories.

  • Is it essential to count calories when eating traditional foods?

    • Listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues is often more sustainable than strict calorie counting. However, if you're on a specific dietary plan or have health concerns, consulting with a nutritionist is advised.

  • Why does Cora emphasize the nutritional value of cultural dishes?

    • Cora believes in a holistic approach to nutrition, understanding that cultural dishes have sustained populations for generations. By acknowledging and celebrating these meals, we can better integrate them into a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

  • I've been told to cut carbs to lose weight. Can I still eat dishes like arroz con frijoles?

    • Absolutely. It's about portion control and balance. For instance, pairing a serving of arroz con frijoles with a lean protein source and veggies can make for a balanced meal.

The takeaway

Latin food, with its vibrant flavors and rich history, truly holds superpowers. But what do you think? Do you have a favorite dish that holds special memories? One that people ate when sick or feeling nostalgic that worked its magic? Or a family recipe with healing properties? Share them below! I would love to hear your stories. Let's celebrate our culture, one plate at a time. 🍽️

#LatinFoodMagic #CulturaYComida #HealingThroughFood #LatinPride  #LatinSuperfoods #CoraHealth #NourishYourRoots


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