Sexual Wellness

Unlock your potential and maximize satisfaction. Complete a medical assessment and get medications sent to your home at no additional cost.

Plans start at $49.

Sexual Wellness

Vaginal dryness

Only $149 for 3-month plan.

Adiós discomfort. Unlock joyful intimacy with our tailored vaginal dryness solutions for vibrant and confident living.


Only $149 for 3-month plan.

Compassionate support and personalized treatment that empowers you to navigate menopause confidently.

Birth control

Plans at $49, $69 or $99 per month.

Your choices, you are in control. Find the right for you with the help of a licensed medical provider.

All plans include an (optional) 25-minute virtual appointment with a licensed medical provider and prescription sent to your home at no extra cost.

Urogenital Health

Bacterial vaginosis

Only $49.

Easy pathway to a fresh, confident you. Banish the discomfort with our gentle solutions.

Vaginal yeast infection

Only $49.

Ditch the itch. Get relief to get back to a life without discomfort and irritation.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Only $49.

Effective treatments customized for your needs. Stop that burning sensation from disrupting your life.

Herpes genitalis & Cold sores

$99 for 3-month treatment or $69 for episodic treatment.

Episodic or recurring outbreaks? We got you. We can help you treat the physical discomfort and manage the emotional distress.

All plans include an (optional) virtual appointment with a licensed medical provider and the prescription sent to your home at no extra cost.

How it works

Complete the quiz

We’ll ask about your current symptoms and basic health history.

Attend your virtual appointment

Meet up with a bilingual Doctor or Nurse Practitioner.

Receive your prescription

at home for no extra cost

Get ongoing support

from your medical team for follow-up care

Clinically-proven treatments to get the results you want

Feel free to read through, or if you prefer to talk, let’s talk! We can help you find the right plan for you.

  • They are very common. For example, 6 of every 10 women develop a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) at least once.

  • Various factors like hormonal changes, sexual activity, or certain medications can contribute to these conditions.

  • Treatments like antibiotics for UTIs, antifungals for yeast infections, and antivirals for herpes are commonly prescribed. Your medical provider will ensure you get the right one for your needs.

  • Sometimes side effects can occur. They can vary and may include digestive issues, skin irritation, or allergic reactions. We can help you understand potential side effects better so you can make an informed decision about your treatment.

  • While some conditions can be effectively treated, others like herpes are manageable but not curable.

About women’s urogenital health

  • Sexual issues are way more common than you think. They can range from hormonal imbalances affecting menstrual cycles to menopausal symptoms and sexual discomfort. People often find it hard to talk about them or ask for help, delaying care. Know that you are not alone, and there is probably a solution for your needs.

  • Various options include oral contraceptives, patches, and intrauterine devices (IUDs). Consult a medical provider for the best option for you.

  • As with most medications, side effects might arise. Side effects can vary depending on the treatment and may include hormonal imbalances, mood changes, or gastrointestinal issues. Your medical provider will make sure you understand if your prescribed medication may have side effects so you can make an informed decision.

  • While there's no cure for menopause, effective treatments can manage symptoms and improve quality of life. This can make a big difference on your day to day.

About women’s sexual health