Cancellation and Refund Policy

The subscription to the weight loss program, paid on a monthly basis, renews automatically every 28 days. You can cancel before the start of a new 28-day cycle. To cancel, you must contact via SMS at (833) 551-0991 or email at After the new cycle has started, your spot for medical attention and prescription processing will be in progress, and you will no longer be able to cancel.

Unfortunately we cannot issue refunds or accept returns of prescription products for reuse or resale. Once a prescription was submitted, there is no refund for the cost of those prescriptions.

For Weight Care 6-month plans:

You can get a full refund if you decide that Cora’s program is not what you expected and you cancel within the first 30 days, before receiving any medication.

You may also cancel your plan later. Your refund will depend on when you cancel your plan. For example, if you have signed up for 6 months and you cancel before the 6 months are completed, you will only be charged for the months that your plan was active (charged at the month-to-month price) and you will get a refund for the difference between that amount and what you paid in total.

The specific guidelines for cancellations and some more examples are outlined in our Patient Agreement. If you are unsure of the decision to cancel or would like to know how much your refund would be, email us at