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Nutrition, Culture, Wellbeing, Weight Care, Education Michelle Contreras Nutrition, Culture, Wellbeing, Weight Care, Education Michelle Contreras

Unlocking The Superpowers of Our Latin Kitchen

Everywhere we turn—whether it's influencers, doctors, family, or friends—there always seems to be someone recommending what to eat, what not to eat, or promoting the latest fad diet. These trends, which often encourage restriction and shunning our favorite comfort foods, can feel overwhelming and might even distance us from our cultural roots. So, what's our stance at Cora Health? We advocate for the anti-diet approach. Our mission is to challenge these stigmas, celebrate Latin culture, and promote health simultaneously. Embracing the potent benefits in our traditional ingredients and finding a balanced approach is crucial to understanding what truly nourishes our bodies. No más food guilt.

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Nutrition, Wellbeing, Weight Care, Education Michelle Contreras Nutrition, Wellbeing, Weight Care, Education Michelle Contreras

How Your Brain and Gut Connection Impact Your Health and Well-being

Discover the remarkable Gut and Brain Connection in this article. Find out how powerful your gut health is and how it can influence your mental and overall well-being based on what you eat. Learning about your gut health can help you heal and lead the way to a happier mind and body.

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