Primary Care
& Urgent Care

Get medical help from bilingual clinicians via text. Anytime, from anywhere.

Only $15 per month. No insurance required.

Primary Care text consultations

Medical help always at your fingertips

Only $15 per month for up to 3 consultations or $100 per year
(YES! that’s less than $3 per consult!)

Access to your doctor and medical team from anywhere for timely consultations.

Get support for prescriptions’ renewal, preventive care, disease management, benefits navigation, among others.

Get access to a video consultation if your provider thinks it is necessary.

We are ready to help with your health concerns

By signing up for text consultations, you gets you access to medical support for any of the cases below and more.

Primary Care

Ongoing on preventive care

Medication refills

Birth control counseling

Family planning



Sleep management

Stress management

Sexual health resources

Sexually Transmitted Infections (PrEP)

Any medical consultation

Urgent Care

Quick help from your home

Skin infections

Minor cuts and bruises

Urinary tract infections

Yeast infections

Bacterial Vaginosis

Sexually transmitted infection diagnosis and treatment (STDs)

Any medical concern

Care Navigation

Assistance to navigate complex questions
about care or insurance

What doctor do I need?

What does my insurance cover?

How much would I have to pay for consultations, exams, etc

How can I get mental health care?

Any other questions about getting care

Getting help is easier than ever

If you are between 18-65 years You can access text consultations and video consultations.

Join Cora Health
Sign up and pay online. No insurance or membership is required.

Start texting
Get connected via text with a bilingual Latino medical provider.
At anytime, from anywhere.