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Wellbeing, Mental Health, Weight Care, Culture, Opinion Michelle Contreras Wellbeing, Mental Health, Weight Care, Culture, Opinion Michelle Contreras

Breaking Generational Trauma: The Importance and Challenges Of Starting Therapy

Delving into the scary beginnings of therapy as a Hispanic, this article explores the cultural and personal barriers many of us face, but emphasizes the vital importance of seeking help. We will talk about how sometimes, families and cultures can unknowingly make us feel like our feelings should be kept a secret or are not real. But don’t worry, this isn’t just about the tough stuff - we’re also going to talk about how we can break free from this cycle and make sure our feelings and thoughts are heard and valued, not just by others but also by ourselves! Together, let’s explore how to create a future where we learn how to express and give space to feelings we have bottled up.

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